Hi, I was son of Aethra, daughter of the king of Troezene and my father is undefined, some say I am son of Aegeus, king of Athens and others say I am son of Poseidon.
When I was 16 years old, he lifted a heavy rock in which Aegeus had placed two sandals and a sword; he had told Aethra that when I was able to lift the rock, I could go to meet him at Athens. On my way to Athens, I killed a lot of ferocious savages, including Epidaurus, who had a giant club to kill people, and Procrustes, who had a bed to measure his victims, if they where shorter than the bed, he stretched them, if they where longer, he cutted their feet off.
When I reached Athens, my father’s new wife, a witch called Medea, tried to kill me, but my father stopped her and she ran away. By this time, Athens was in a lot of pain because every 9 years, Athens had to send 7 boys and 7 girls to feed the Minotaur, so I went to fight the Minotaur with the other children and defeated him, when I came home, my father had died.
After all this, I ruled Athens, invaded the amazons, who then counterattacked and married Helen, daughter of Zeus. After a long time I lost the faith of my people and I was forced to retire to the court of Lycomedes who received my kindly, but after a long time killed me.
By: Ignacio Correa M.
- http://volcano.und.edu
- www.online-mythology.com/theseus/