Hi, my name is Icarus and i'm best known for the kid who died for not paying attention to my father Daedalus. My father and I were slaves in the castle of the king of Knossos, located in Crete. He once did a laberynth for the king in which we were trapped, so he was a great inventor and build a par of wings made of string and wax because he was a great inventor.
Once the wings were done he told me to try them but never to fly very high because the sun could melt the wings. When I was high flying I totally forgot my father's advise because of my excietement, so the sun melted my wings and I fell to the sea and died drowned.
This is me flying towards the sun minutes before I fell to the ocean.

Sources: http://www.verticalpool.com/icarusmyth.html
gpBy: Eduardo Henaop g