JUAN CAMILO PEREZ  PROMETHEUS I’m Prometheus a titan known for my intelligence and also because I stole fire from Zeus to give it to the humans for their use. I played a trick to Zeus because I though he would never realized it. It all star because my task was to create human shape with clay. My attempts to better my creations lives broth me into conflict wit Zeus. I tried to trick Zeus with a sacrificed acquiring the meat for the feasting of man the Zeus with anger and looking for revenged he create Pandora the firsts women as a means to deliver misfortune into the house of man meanwhile i was arrested and attached to the Mount Kaukasos where an eagle was tasked to feed with my liver that regenerates every day for the eternity the then great hero Herakles came and release me form my eternal torture |
Hesiod, Theogony - Greek Epic C8th-7th B.C.
Hesiod, Works & Days - Greek Epic C8th-7th B.C.