Greek Religion
The Ancient Greeks believed in many gods each with a certain domain and with certain characteristics such as relationships with other gods and mortals and fears.
· Greeks sacrificed animals and offered food at altars in the temples so the gods would help them in things like agriculture and wars.
· Greeks believed in an afterlife which took place in Erebus the realm of Hades and according ot what they did in their life’s they would even go to paradise Elysium or to hell the Tartarus.
· Different city states worshiped different gods for example Athens Worshiped: Athena, Sparta: Artemis and Corinth: Aphrodite.
· Different gods liked different things for example one god may have liked a bull as a sacrifice while another might have hated it.

By: Estefanía Gómez; Juan Felipe Gómez; Andrés Franco; & Nathalia Vallejo.