Zeus made me because he was mad at Prometheus who had given the mortals special gifts. So he gave them one more gift and that was me, the first mortal woman. Each god gave me something to make me perfect. Mercury gave me persuasion, Venus gave me beauty, Apollo gave me music, Hephaestus voice...etc.
Zeus gave me to Epimetheus my husband, he accpeted me even though Prometheus his brother had said to him "don't accept anything form Zeus". My beauty convinced him.
One day Epimetheus gave me a box that I was forbidden to open. I was so curious that I didn't support not not knowing what was inside the box so I open it. When I open the box all evil, hate, anger and jealousy flew out into the world. When I saw in the bottom of the box, there was still one thing inside and that was hope.
I'll be always remembered as the mortal/goddess who let out all the bad things into the world. Also I'll be known as the "Mother of troubles".
Pandora means, "The one who gives all gifts".
By: Isabel Villegas