Hi, my name is Bellerophon and I am one of the most important mortal heroes of Greek Mythology. I am son of Eurynome and Poseidon. My mother is the wife of Glaucus, who raised
me as his own child.

Both of my fathers were very good horse riders, so I became an excellent one, and also an incredible archer. One day, they decided to give me a horse that would make me more powerful in battle, so they gave me Pegasus, a horse that can fly. I tried to ride him lots of times but it seemed imposible. After many failures Poseidon told me I should pray for Athena for help. After a night praying on her altar she gave me a golden bridle, which helped me a lot. Finally I was able to ride the horse.
I became a very good and powerful fighter so King Pittheus gave me his daughter Aetrha in marriage. It was all perfect but they remembered I had once killed a man that apparently was my own brother. For some reason they thought this was very bad so I
wouldn't be able to marry her.

I went to visit King Proetus to be purified and while I was there his wife Stheneboea tried to seduce me. I controlled myself but she was angry at me and told his husband that I was the one that tried to seduce her. The King was so mad at me that he wanted to kill me, but that wouldn't have been good for him, so he went to King Iobates.
King Iobates also wanted to kill me so he send me to do many things to be purified. First he send me to kill the terrible Chimera, and I returned victorious. Then, the send me to conqueer the Solymi tribe and I was also victorious. He was starting to get mad so he made me fight the Amazons. When I came back he was so mad at me that he attacked me with all of his army and I killed them all, until the last man.

King Iobates saw that I was blessed by the gods so he gave me part of his land and his daughter Philonoe, who was the sister of Stheneboea, who ended up suiciding.
I had children and one day I went to visit the gods. Zeus was so mad at me that he pulled Pegasus and made me fall. I was left alone wandering all around the place until I died.
Greek Mythology Team. Bellerophon. Bellerophon/ bellerophon.htm.22 of November/ 2007
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Bellerophon. /c e6 /ent/A0806892.htm. 22 of November/ 2007.
Nathalia Vallejo Ulloa 9b.