Hi!, my name is Persephone,
I´m the queen of the Underworld and the goddess of the spring. My father is Zeus the god of the Olympians and my mother is Demeter the goddess of the agriculture. And Hades the god of the underworld is my husband. Sometimes I am considered an Olympian. While I´m gathering flowers field in one day.
My life began to being horrible since the appearance of Hades. One day I was planting because I was the goddess of the harvest. When Hades appeared he opened the soil and it took me to the force until being in the underworld. After I make my biggest mistake in my life, merry with Hades. I ate the fruit of the Underworld "Pomegranete Seeds" which make me stay in the underworld all my life. Later in the underworld the people were calling me "doncella" because my name could not be listened aloud because I was "The Iron Queen"
My mom desperate was looking for me but she didn´t find me. The sun told him what it happened to me and my mom immediately told Zeus what happened. Zeus discusses with Hades about Persephone and finally they accord. The accord was that Persephone can be 6 months in the land of living and the other 6 months in the underworld.(for that reason is why 6 moths are happy, colorful many flowers and the other 6 months
is raining because I am in the Underworld) But the heroes Peirithous and Theseus attempted to abduct me and bring me back to the land of the living.
by: Mariana Naranjo G