Hi my name is Polythemus, I’m a Cyclop and I live on the island Youra, my parents are Poseidon and Thoosa (a nymph). At Youra my home is a cave and when I find out that Odysseus and his men were hiding inside it I sealed it with a huge rock….I was hungry so I ate some of Odysseus men. Also I had a talk with Odysseus, I asked for his name and he told me that was “None”.The evil Odysseus was planning to escape so they got me drunk and they put a sharp pole that they made into my eye and made me blind, I confused and suffering a lot of pain removed the entrance stone and I tried to catch the escaping men but Odysseus had foreseen this so they all tied themselves under a sheep, so I only felt the animals as they left the cave. I tried to take revenge but when I told to the other Cyclops that None tried to kill me they didn’t believed….so I threw huge rocks into the sea hopping that I will hit Odysseus’ ship. By: Estefanía Gómez Mejía. By: Estefaníia Gómez Mejía 9B
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mus.htm. November 24 2007