Hi! My name is Atalanta,
I'm the godess of speed and the female athlete in Greek Mythology. My father is Isasus. I really like to participate in the male activity Calydonian Boar Hunt. I can run faster than anyone or anything in the whole world. When I was born, my father abandoned me because he wanted a son, but later I became a great heroine. Really, I didn't wanted to marry anyone but my father, after he claimed me as his daughter wanted me to marry someone so I said that I would marry anyone who could win in a race with me (I knew I was going to win because I'm the fastest runner in the world). One day, Melanion fell in love with me and wanted to marry me, but he knew I was going to win the race so he talked to Aphrodite, the love goddess and she provided Melanion three golden apples to distract me in the race. During the race, I found the golden apples. They were magical, so I couldn't resist and I had to stop to eat one whenever I saw one on the road. Because I was stopping so much to eat apples, Melanion won the race and I had to marry him. Once married to Melanion I couldn't containt my inhibitions any more so one day I allowed Melanion to seduce me in the temple of Zeus. When Zeus caught us he was sooo angry that he turned both of us into lions and lions can't mate with each other. A long time after, I gave birth to a son called Parthenopaeus but anyone really knows who his father is.
By: Alejandra Prieto J.