My Roman and my Greek names are both Sisyphus; I am the son of the king Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete. I am also the first king that Corinth had. I have 1 son called Glaucus. I am the god of navigation and commerce. My only ability is my imperative strength and my capability to perseverate. The story that I am most famous for is the following. I don’t really know why but Persephone thinks that I am ambitious and selfish. He didn’t like me even a little. The issue was that before I died I told my wife that when I die she was not to offer the usual sacrifice. When I died, in the underworld, I persuaded Persephone, the queen of the underworld that my wife was betraying me and she allowed me to go to the upper world to tell my wife to perform her duty. I tricked them and later I refused to go back to the underworld. In consequence Hermes carried me back to the underworld and as a punishment the gods condemned me to carry a giant rock up trough a hill but when I arrived to the top it rolled down the hill again, making this job an eternal task. Thank you.
By: Rafael Marulanda 9B