My name is Hades, the lord of the dead and ruler of the nether world. I am the son of Cronus and Rhea. I had three brothers, and my father Cronus divided the world among each other, I was given the underworld, while my brothers Zeus and Poseidon took the upper world and the sea respectively. For a while Hades ruled the underworld together with Persephone, whom he had kidnap from the upper world, but Zeus ordered him to release Persephone back into the care of her mother Demeter.
I sit on a throne made of ebony, and I carry a scepter. I also have a helmet, it was a present by the Cyclopes, which can make me invisible. I rule the dead, assisted by various (demonic) helpers, such as Thanatos (Hypnos, sleep), the ferryman Charon, and the hound Cerberus (three- headed watchdog). My strength is to reach with the wealth of earth, especially precious metals. My weakness is Persephone. My
symbol is scepter.
I sit on a throne made of ebony, and I carry a scepter. I also have a helmet, it was a present by the Cyclopes, which can make me invisible. I rule the dead, assisted by various (demonic) helpers, such as Thanatos (Hypnos, sleep), the ferryman Charon, and the hound Cerberus (three- headed watchdog). My strength is to reach with the wealth of earth, especially precious metals. My weakness is Persephone. My
By: Martin Trujillo